Man, it was a fast week. Here are 5 random things from my week. How was yours?
We got hit with snow this week. It is just a few inches but it seems like way more for some reason. It is freezing cold and windy. Not so much fun!! Winter is my least favorite season because it seems like it drags on in Michigan. My oldest is excited about the snow though. She wanted to go out and play and build a snowman. Normally, I leave this for daddy but I took her out yesterday afternoon in an attempt to wear her out. It wasn't packing snow and she didn't really understand that concept but she had fun anyway. And our dog loved it! She loves running and chasing snow.
I finally got a few products finished and posted this week.
My saint bingo for my religious ed class.
Then I created a spin and multiply bump game for the little girl I tutor. She requested a Christmas version so I made a fall and Christmas edition and have plans to add more seasons/holidays. So nice to finally be creating and posting again!
Today was one of those days when I hate being a mom. We had a well child check up for my one year old. Which comes with shots. I hate taking the girls when they need shots. I am getting better at it and don't cry each time but I usually get my husband to come with us. Today all 4 of us went because we decided to get flu shots. My husband and I have never gotten it. I kind of prided myself on never needing it with my awesome teacher immune system. But the more we started talking about it, we thought we should do what we could to protect the girls and try to keep them healthy. Plus we thought we'd have better luck with K getting a shot if she saw Mommy and Daddy doing it. So tears for both girls but we all survived. Now hopefully we all stay healthy. I've heard so many horror stories about people who got the flu shot and then got so sick right after. Hopefully, that does not happen to us. Especially as we are planning to have a house full of people next weekend for Thanksgiving.
We ended a long not fun doctors appointment with lunch at Panera - so that made everyone happy!!
I made my first batch of granola from my new cookbook. I thought maybe if I made it and put it on yogurt, I would actually like yogurt. Um..no. I like the granola and the girls and I have been eating it without yogurt so I guess it is a success. I guess I just don't like yogurt. I can tolerate it if it is in smoothies but just don't like eating it the way my girls do.
You can find the recipe HERE. I used coconut oil instead of butter (they suggest that in the cookbook.) Also, I didn't used pumpkin seeds. I also chose to leave out the nutmeg because I don't like the taste of it.
I started my first collaborative pinterest board. I have not seen a lot of collaborative boards mentioned on TpT that are religious/Christian and I thought it would be good to have a place to put religious ideas, crafts, activities, clip art, etc. You can check it out HERE. If you want to join and share some of your ideas - follow the board and let me know your pinterest user name and I'll add you.
Have a great weekend!!