I have six different ways that you can teach your students the names of the different items. All five of these use the same pictures and vocabulary, but they are presented in a different format so you can reach all of the different learning styles in your classroom.
Catholic Mass Item Bingo
Catholic Mass Item Bingo is a fun way to learn about the items we see during Mass. This turns it into a game and would be a great follow up activity once your students have learned the names for all of the items. This would also be great for altar server training to help familiarize them with the different items they will come in contact with while serving.
This game comes with 30 different boards (same items, just in different places) and includes the color version and the black and white version. It also includes the calling cards (in color and black and white) and directions for how to play bingo for anyone new to the game.
Catholic Mass Item Scavenger Hunt
With my first grade catechism class, we took them into the church during class to see if we could find any of these items. Since Mass wasn't going on, there were some that we couldn't see, but we challenged them to take their cards to Mass on Sunday and see if they could find the rest.

Catholic Mass Item Clip Cards
These cards are self correcting, meaning the correct answer has a yellow dot by it so students can clip their answer and then flip it over to check their answer.
Catholic Mass Item Boom Cards
If you like the Catholic Mass Item Clip Cards, but want a digital option, check out these Catholic Mass Item Boom Cards. Boom Learning is a digital platform that allows students to play digital task cards. They get immediate feedback on whether or not they selected the correct answer. To use these cards, the teacher will need to have at least a free account. This will allow students to play the cards. If you want to collect more information as far as student performance on this deck of cards (or any deck that you purchase), you will need to have a paid account.
If you own the printable version (the clip cards), I've added the Boom Cards to that file, so just redownload to get both version. If you want just the Catholic Mass Item Boom Cards, they can be purchased separately as well.
Catholic Mass Item Matching Cards

Catholic Color by Mass Item
These color by code pages are awesome because they come with 5 different levels. Even students that aren't reading yet can match the pictures without needing to read the words. These are perfect for differentiating for your students will still exposing them to the Catholic vocabulary.
These also come with a key to help you identify the names of all of the items used in the pictures.
Another resource for you
As an adult, I don't always know or remember the names of all of the items used so I wanted to share an amazing resource that I've been using to help with creating these products and learning more about these sacred items. It is a book that is called The Sacred The Surrounds Us by Andrea Zachman. Each page shows a real life picture of one item and then a one page description of it including what it is and a brief history. While this isn't written specifically for children, you could definitely use it as background knowledge for you and even read parts of it to your students since it is short.