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Kindness has been a big issue in our house lately. We are working hard on teaching our girls how to be kind, mostly with each other, their friends and us. I know many of their fights are typical toddler/preschooler and sibling type things but it drives me nuts!! Sometimes I think we are a step away from a full blown toddler wresting match. To work on what kindness is, I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books. We read lots of books, but these were our favorites and the ones that I think are most relevant to preschool age children. 
The Mine-O-Saur is about a dinosaur who can't share and always says everything is mine. Then he loses all of his friends and no one wants to play until he changes his behavior.
I Am Caring is a nonfiction text that shows different ways to show that you care to the people in your life.
How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? is a great book for showing how to play nicely. It shows the negative ways that some children try to play to prove the point that it is not the correct way to play with your friends.
Manners Time is a board book so it is a quick read that gives young children the words they need to show that they have manners.
Sharing Time is another great board book in this series that shows young children how to share. This gives children options for how to share - take turns, use the toy together, wait for another time, etc.
Words Are Not For Hurting is another short board book that helps children learn to use helpful words instead of hurtful words and to use "I'm Sorry" when they do use hurtful words.
In Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler, a kindergarten teacher has five students miss recess and gives them the challenge to do random acts of kindness to spread kindness around the classroom and world. It is a little long for preschool age children but it has a really good message and great ideas for random acts of kindness that kids can actually do.
When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really a good book for showing real emotions. It is important for children to know that it is okay to get angry but this opens up a discussion about how to handle it.
When Sophie's Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt is good for showing children what happens when they hurt other people's feelings and also shows how to handle having hurt feelings and be more kind to others.
What If Everybody Did That? gives a bunch of scenarios that kids could be in and shows what would happen if everyone did what they were doing. Kids might not think that what they are doing is a big deal but then they see what a problem it could be if everyone did that same thing.
What are your favorite books for teaching kindness??