This week was K's first visit to the dentist. She came with me to watch a few weeks ago and we got some books out of the library to prep her. I would have to say it was a success. They were very good with her and everything was quick and painless for everyone involved!! And yes, princess dresses are normal attire around here. Everything is better in a princess dress!
I tried to step up my at home learning game this week. I really don't do much structured learning with the girls. I just let them play and we do different projects when I'm feeling motivated. In the fall I want to start doing more PreK stuff with K, and I've been working on some different themes for her. I figured this summer we would get her used to the idea and practice letters and some other pre-K activities that I found on TpT. I found the following ideas on Instagram. Once she got going she seemed to like them. I thought she would be so excited about doing them that she would be begging me for a new letter each day. Not so much. I'm not pushing her - when she wants to work on it we do.I love the glue sponge concept. It is so much easier than a glue bottle or glue stick. We just worked on the upper and lowercase letter. Then if she knew a word that started with that letter, we would write it on the top.
Another idea I saw on Instagram was to do a letter search with scrapbook stickers. After she does her page in her book, I give her a bunch of old stickers and she searches for the letter we are working on and then adds it to the poster on the way. She seems to like this more than the book. And little sister likes taking the stickers off and moving them to different spots.
Since we've been focusing on letters, I decided to pull out a few ABC books from my teaching collection and a few from the girls' collection. I used to collect ABC books when I was teaching so I pulled out a few that weren't too long and put them in a separate basket for them to look at.
I've been doing a little better at going to bed on time and spending some time reading. I finished #GIRLBOSS this week. It was really good and more relevant that I thought it would be. She started her business as an eBay business so a lot of the online selling information was relevant to TpT. She also had good business tips and great quotes. I especially liked the information about being an introvert yet still being a good boss.
Next up is The Girl On The Train. I've heard good things but there is waitlists at all the libraries around here so I decided to just buy it when I was at Costco last week.
I am super excited to be guest blogging this weekend on Rachel Lynette's blog, Minds in Bloom. I wrote about my top 5 tips for setting up math workshop in your classroom. (the link won't work until the post goes live) |