A is for Amazing Family

I am thankful for my amazing family.  No family is perfect.  Mine isn't perfect.  I'm learning all families have their own type of crazy!  Regardless....my family rocks and is my rock!  Ha!  

Starting with my husband who is my true partner in this crazy adventure called life.  He is such a good dad.  He is hands on and helps with the girls without me asking.  He knows me better than I know myself.  He is my biggest supporter and I wouldn't be able to do what I do every day without him.  

Obviously, my girls are my world!  I love them and love being their mom.  They test me and push me but they also make me stop and appreciate the little things.

My parents are the best people I know.  They have an amazing spiritual life that I envy.  They have a strong marriage and put God first in everything they do.  They are amazing grandparents and are such an important part of raising our kids.  They help us out so much - watching the girls so I can shop, tutor, run errands, clean the house, etc.  Their support means the world to me.  

My siblings...it is so nice to grow up in a big family.  There were 4 (2 girls, 2 boys) of us which was great growing up and now as an adult.  There is always someone you can play with and someone you can gang up on.  Not much has changed now that we are adults!  Ha!  It is nice that even if we don't live super close, we still see each other a lot and are a part of each other's lives.  It is exciting that we are all married and some of us are starting families.  I'm excited that our families will grow together.